Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I write for me, because in this nothing changin atmosphere, I got to get it on record, even if that record is a tic on the back of some server eventually to be laid to rest in some techno junkyard. And that is probably just. Still there is the physical of now-three beers-twelve feet between toxic walls. Hot for Seattle, unusually hot. 46 spaces, 46 TV's 46 other mobiles. I know a few pretty well as you would expect after two years. I try to keep to myself. You got your old folks with bad breaks and they are fine, actually happy. Then you got your mid aged, at war with themselves. Drink, drugs, whatever. Shit, there are all these problems. Her doin this, him doin that. Everything is out there, nothing in here.

Nice warm breeze, 85 today, hot for here. I am in 23. I got home at 4 from work. Couple others work here, I guess. I am always ready for astonishment when I pull in, have seen some weird stuff. Guns, whores, blood. Today it was Mary. She gets out pretty often from what I have seen, as for two years I take off Saturday and Sunday. Mary is a tweeker. Well, I guess some don't know, so I'll say, she smokes crack. Having to sign to buy psudephedrine or whatever, I got to say, didn't do anything. She tweeks sometimes, like freeks out. Late at night I have heard her, along with others, howling at the moon. Apparently out, planning where to score. Today she was in the road started looking at me in the blinding sun. I just wanted to get in, get home, close the door.

She said all grandiose and all "well there he is, and how was work today?" isn't it nice to have your babe out here waiting for you" "Can I get you soemthing for dinner?" Laughing some laugh that I don't know where the hell comes from. Wearing a tube top, cut offs and sandels. She is actually pretty hot from about fifty feet. Face has taken a hammerin from the crack, though. Real bad teeth.

I get past her with a smile and a nod and pull in, but today is a special day. She needs, pretty bad, I guess as I get out of my car she comes up. I smiled to sincerely. Make a note to sneer, I guess. "How's it going hon?" She says. "Good" I reply. I look her over. Killer bod, hell, Mischa Barton would die to be that slim. Still, with tits that were pert and tight. Crack takes it's toll on the teeth and face. Mary knows I am single and looking and not getting enough. We have hooked up before...twenty bucks keeps her wacked out for two days, so that is pretty cheap, I convinced myself.

Today I am tired, work has sucked, hope she can see this past her need. She comes up close on me. I can smell her breath, see her teeth. "so you needin some, babe?" She presses into me. I am aroused, hard. "you know I can do it for you" she says. I smile and say "Mary you know I think you are hot, I am real tired, maybe come back in a couple of hours". She knows what I am saying and tweeks, I thought she might. "Well you think you are all that!" "You are lucky I even talk to you, fucking loser. Little god damn job is all you got! Otherwise you would be right here with me, fucking me. Son of a bitch"

With that she troumped off, throwing a hand in the are saying some other crap that I didn't care if I heard or not. It is a real hot day and I needed a cold one. Adventure at the park, now sitting here with the tv on, I'll have to crash